
Admin August 26, 2023

Boston’s Drug Crisis Worsens During the Pandemic

Society’s most vulnerable populations, those suffering from addiction and the homeless, are being hit harder by the effects of the...

Admin August 26, 2023

Addiction and Eating Disorders

Substance use disorders often appear alongside other medical or mental health disorders, also known as co-occurring disorders. The National Eating...

Admin August 26, 2023

The Impact of Addiction on Families

Lake Ave Recovery’s esteemed Dr. James DiReda had the pleasure of sitting down with Aaron Huey of the #1 parenting...

Admin August 26, 2023

Why Are Opioids So Addictive?

On average, someone in America dies from a drug overdose every eight minutes. That is almost 180 lives lost each...

Admin August 26, 2023

How Opioids Affect the Brain

Opioids, a class of drug that includes heroin, fentanyl, codeine, morphine, hydrocodone and oxycodone, that act on opioid receptors in...

Admin August 26, 2023

Breaking the Stigma

For decades, due to misconception and shame, drug use and addiction was often associated with lack of willpower or poor...
